Evan's Addiction Page 5
As soon as we had stepped off the elevator we could hear the music, and now standing at the door loud yelling and laughter could be heard from inside.
“I thought there were only six girls in there. That sounds like more than six.” Noah frowned at the door. “I mean, I’m the first to admit Amanda can get loud, but shit, it sounds like there are twenty people in there.”
“You have to do it harder, and snap your wrist.” We looked around at each other with raised eyebrows and confusion at the yelling coming from behind the door. “Oh my god, yes. That was perfect.”
“That was Nadia.” Seth grumbled.
Landon pounded on the door, and then again louder. Five seconds later it opened and an unfamiliar female, mid-twenties, stood there in what appeared to be the hotels uniform, looking extremely disheveled.
“Can I help you?” At seeing us she began fidgeting with her uniform attempting to straighten it.
My attention went over this woman’s head and latched on a certain red head that stood out like a living flame. Holy shit! She looked even more incredible than I remember, or imagined. Shaw’s hair was loose, a riot of wild, thick curls streaming down to the middle of her back, and she was in a tight black camisole showcasing firm hand-sized breasts supported by a red bra…I could tell it was red by the shoulder straps and lacy cups that were peeking out from the top of the black cami…and a pair of girly black boxer shorts that had a big smiley face on the ass.
My cock was fully erect in two seconds flat.
I didn’t think it could any more painful, but then Shaw threw something and did a little dance, jump, and twirl. Her breasts jiggled, her ass wiggled, and her hair swung. Oh god, I was about to prove that it was possible to come from just watching a chick move.
“Maya!” Landon called out storming into the room.
We all followed at his heels, and twelve females halted in whatever they were doing to stare at us in surprise.
“Landon!” Maya screamed running towards him. She jumped and he caught her in his arms as she straddled him. Then she was kissing the hell out of him.
Amanda, Nadia, Carrie, and Gabby all did the same thing to their partners.
That left Shaw standing there all by herself as six female hotel staff members shuffled to the wayside. Her shocked eyes were fixed solely on me, which I found exceedingly gratifying. That pull, that incredible electrical charge that zipped between us from before, it was still there and as strong as ever…maybe stronger.
“What are you doing here, Sweetie?” Maya gasped when she came up for air.
“I missed you. Are you having fun?” He moved further into the room, Maya still straddling him, to plop down on the sofa. She was wearing a similar outfit to Shaw’s, all the girls were, except for the staff of course.
Surprisingly, the sight of their barely covered chests and asses caused no blip on my attraction radar. My hard-on was all for Shaw, and I headed straight for her.
“Shaw, you’re so hot I could roast my meat on you, baby.” My line came out naturally and more growly than usual, and the boner in my pants would be noticed by a blind person. Her gaze locked on it for a second and a crimson blush suffused her skin from head to toe.
“Sorry Evan, my BBQ only accepts large cuts of meat, not petite.” She shot back.
Swiveling she marched over to the bar and my eyes locked on her firm ass as I stalked after her. The ends of her hair swishing against the small of her back also grabbed my attention. The girl had been hiding a lot behind her loose, long t-shirts. She was five foot seven, long and tight, with just the right amount of graspable curves. Shit, and those legs!
Shaw ordered a beer from the female bartender and I repeated the order when I stepped up next to her. Shaw peeked up at me with a shy, drunken grin that was adorable, but peculiar since this was familiar to us. Normally alcohol would make people less inhibited about the shit they said.
Leaning over I murmured in her ear. “Want to play Barbie. I’ll be Ken and you can be the box I come in.”
The blush that had been slowly diminishing blazed up again, but her grin widened. “I’d rather play J.I. Jane and rip off that tiny stick that’s pointing at me.”
I chuckled and looked down at my obvious erection. “You must me drunk, because that is neither petite nor tiny.”
“Hey Shaw, Carrie finally badgered you into coming, did she?” Nic stepped up to the bar flanking Carrie’s back. He was suddenly shirtless, and Carrie suddenly had on more clothes.
Shaw turned her bright grin on Nic and I was peeved at his interruption, and the grin she was throwing away on him. “She did; badgered, and badgered, and badgered. I was thinking that if I caved this one time I might get some respite from it for several more months, but I am having a really good time.” She patted Carrie’s cheek merrily.
Nic’s brows shot up. “How much alcohol have you had?”
Shaw exhaled with wide cheerful eyes. “Lots.”
I grinned at her manner. She was endearingly drunk.
He snorted. “You should think about drinking all the time. You’re a lot nicer when you drink.”
She sighed again shaking her head. “I know, but I’m an alcoholic. I only went off the wagon for the party tonight and Carrie being on my ass to have fun.” She chugged her beer.
I stared at her in shock, while Nic and Carrie did the same.
Shaw lowered the bottle and slapped the bar top with a snort. “I’m just shitting you. I’m not an alcoholic.” Carrie smacked her arm, hard. “Oww!” Shaw pouted.
My shock turned to relief, to laughter, to intense arousal at that pout. Fuuuckk, this woman grabbed me by the fucking balls.
“I can’t believe you made me think that for even a second.” Carrie complained drunkenly.
“You deserve it for the pestering.” Shaw retorted tipsily.
“Hey, what’s with the mattress and knives?” Juan asked walking up.
His gaze tracked Shaw from head to toe in appreciation. If I had hackles they would have risen.
“I was teaching the girls how to throw a knife.” Nadia stated, curling up in Seth’s lap in a chair. At some point he’d somehow gotten some sweats on her. “I’ll cover the cost of that mattress, Landon.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Landon mumbled from Maya’s neck.
I noted that Juan wasn’t the only one eyeballing Shaw; Blake and the other two brothers were ogling her goods as well. Greg was too but at least his gaze seemed more appreciative than hungry. Sweats were sounding like a good idea, and one of those long shirts she liked. Why I cared I don’t know, but I didn’t like the way any of them were looking at her. Juan’s two brothers were making their way over, eyes bright with interest.
Grabbing Shaw’s hand I dragged her away. “What room are you in?”
Her heels dug in. “Whoa there ‘jumping the gun’.”
Damn, her wit was stimulating, and I’d fucking missed it. “I just want you to put more clothes on, Shaw.”
Her feet lifted. “Oh, okay. That’s different from what you usually say.”
I chuckled. Being near her again had my body humming with energy, an energy only she seemed to bring out in me; vigor I normally only experienced engaging in high risk stunts and business.
Shaw took the lead and led us down the hallway to one of the bedrooms. Moving to the chair in the corner she rummaged through a backpack and pulled out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt that read: I may be wrong but it’s highly unlikely.
I truly loved those shirts of hers.
She pulled the sweats and t-shirt over what she had on before turning back to face me with more red on her face. This drunken, self-conscious Shaw was fascinating. I wanted to strip off what she’d just put on, plus the rest, spread her out on the bed, and explore every inch of her. And then fuck her harder than I’d ever fucked anyone before.
“All set?” I asked gruffly.
“Yep.” She chirped.
Shaking my head with a pained grin I took her hand
again…before I caved into my imagination and need…and led her back to the lounge where Nadia was showing off her knife throwing skills for whoever wanted to learn. Seth stood at her back with a scowl at all the attention she was receiving, but there was no refuting that the girl had some serious skills.
I directed Shaw to the couch where Landon had Maya in his lap, and without asking pulled her down onto mine. I had two reasons for this; to show the other guys that she was off limits, and because I wanted to.
Shaw looked at me in confusion and…was that alarm? What was she alarmed about?
Moving her extraordinary soft, peach smelling, wild hair over her shoulder I whispered in her ear. “The others need to think you’re taken or they will be all over you. If you want them all over you just move off me to the side.” I held my breath to see what she would do.
She glanced around and I watched her gaze fall on Juan who was staring at her with a wide, come-hither smile. He was standing next to one of the staff females who was chatting him up eagerly, but Shaw was way hotter then all of them and I could see the want on his face. I recognized that look. He would totally snatch Shaw off my lap if she gave him a sign.
Did the fucker forget who was supposed to be giving him a shot at racing?
Lucky for him Shaw didn’t bite, and while she didn’t curl herself into me like I would have liked the tension that had taken up inside of me eased when she stayed right where she was.
A new tension took its place as my lap took enjoyment in her ass. Shaw took note and wiggled, and I wasn’t sure if she was trying to settle my hard dick in a more comfortable spot, or if she was trying to kill me. Groaning, I shifted her so that my erection was snuggled between her ass cheeks and thighs, and then I lifted her arm and slung it around my neck making her incline into me.
“There, that’s more comfortable, right?” I asked gutturally, my cock was throbbing in desperate need.
“Uhh…sure.” Shaw’s voice came out in a squeak and I grinned through my discomfort.
Nic was eyeing me intently from a chair across the room. Carrie sat in his lap, frowning in drunken disbelief. I ignored them.
“You missed.” Nadia screamed as one of the Cruz brothers failed to stick the knife in the upright mattress. “You have to drink now.”
“You turned this into a drinking game?” I laughed gruffly.
Nadia smirked. “This is Russian drinking game, only I left the person out. Instead we drew a figure of one on the mattress.”
Sure enough there was a body drawn on the mattress. “Nadia, you scare me more and more each day.”
Smirking, she flipped her butterfly knife in the air, caught it, and whipped it at the mattress. It stuck in the throat of the drawing. “Carrie, you drink.” She ordered.
“Is it wrong that that made me hard?” Trey asked with awe.
“Yes,” Seth growled in displeasure. Grabbing Nadia’s arm he tugged her arm, toppling her into his lap. She fell with a laugh and circled her arms around his neck kissing him.
Carrie was chugging her drink and I think she might have drank the entire glass if Nic didn’t pull it away like the mother hen that he was. Although, I think this was the first time I’d ever seen her drink so I could understand his concern.
The game continued and I waited, and prayed, for Shaw to escalate our lap situation to something more; like nuzzling my neck, sucking my face, or rubbing her hand somewhere…anywhere, but regrettably her hand didn’t go below my shoulders. I enjoyed the soft play of her fingers in my hair and over my neck and shoulders, but shit…it only made me want more.
After several rounds of knife tossing and drinking Landon pulled me into a conversation about work. The accountant’s had found another huge discrepancy in the end of the months totals but couldn’t find out where we were losing the money. This was the third month in a row that it had happened. We were talking about five hundred-thousand dollars each month they couldn’t find anywhere. It was like it had been lost in space.
“It probably is.” Shaw said sleepily.
I’d been absently stroking her back and hair, suffering through my painful arousal, and she’d been sagging further and further into my body as time passed. Her head had settled on my shoulder about three minutes ago. Maya had already passed out in Landon’s lap.
“What’s that, Shaw?” I pulled her more comfortably into my side. I’d snuggled with other females but I don’t remember it feeling this good, even as wound up as I was.
“That money probably is disappearing into space.” She yawned behind her hand and I grinned at how cute she was. Did she even know what she was saying? “It sounds like you have a program possibly siphoning off miniscule amounts from each of your individual accounts. You have to have hundreds of thousands of accounts. Someone probably introduced a program into your mainframe and it’s taking like pennies out of each one. Accountants can easily overlook a penny missing, or even a couple pennies missing here and there, but when you have that many accounts with a penny missing out of all of them that really adds up. It’s the perfect crime.”
I stared at her flabbergasted. Did she just solve a problem dozens of accountants had been working months to solve…while drunk and half asleep? What she theorized sounded entirely possible, and as I contemplated it further I think she was right.
“Holy shit! I think she might be on to something.” I looked at Landon in conformation.
He looked at Shaw and then at me in disbelief. “So do I.”
I rubbed her neck. “How do you know any of that, Shaw?”
She gave a sigh of pleasure. “I know computers better than your crotch knows the palm of your hand.” Landon choked while I just shook my head grinning. There wasn’t even any heat to that snarky line. “And don’t tell anyone, but I’m also a little bit of a hacker.” She pinched her fingers together as a visual. “It would totally be something I would do if I was morally corrupt and evil in my genius. Although…I am a tiny bit evil in my genius, but I can’t tell you how. It’s a secret.” She buried her face in my neck with a groan. “Now I’ve said too much. You should never tell someone you have a secret. It’s like waving a red flag. You never heard that word out of my mouth.” She raised her head and glared blearily at me and Landon. “Forget I ever said that work…I mean word.”
Disbelief ratcheted up even higher. She was a hacker? And what was this secret she couldn’t tell us? She was right in that it was like waving a red flag because I wanted to shake it out of her, or maybe seduce it out of her because my cock was back to being hard as steel after she’d nuzzled into my neck.
First thing first though. “Could you find this program, Shaw?” I returned to rubbing her neck.
“Easy peasy.” Her head thunked back onto my shoulder.
Damn she was endearing. Stroking my hand down her hair I looked back to Landon. “What do you think? It has to be an inside job, so we can’t ask one of the accountants to look for it.”
“Yep, definite inside job.” Shaw nodded on my shoulder.
I chuckled and hugged her tighter. “We could search around for someone, or…” I looked down at Shaw. I was taking a chance believing she could do it. I mean, I had no proof of her skills, but I had a feeling and hopefully it wasn’t the lust talking.
Landon nodded, reading my thoughts. “Run it by dad. I think he might go for if she’s got the skills.” He shifted Maya and stood with her in his arms. “I’m going to take her to bed. Who knows, maybe she’ll wake back up.” Smirking, he departed down the hallway.
Looking around I saw that the only people in the room were the three Cruz brothers’, Blake and the four staff females who’d stayed to party. It looked like they were all playing strip poker, and nobody was winning. Holding tight to Shaw I straightened with her cradled in my arms.
“What…where we going?” She mumbled, hanging tight to me. I liked that…a lot.
“I’m taking you to bed.” I strode down the hallway.
“Is this another one of your pick-u
p lines? If it is, it’s not very good.” She grumbled.
Shit, she was entertaining, and apparently incredibly smart. She might even be smarter than me. Why that gave me more of a chubby I don’t know. Normally, I liked being the smartest person in the room. That might make me a bit arrogant, but I was okay with that.
“It’s not a pick-up line. You’re falling asleep on me so I’m taking you to a bed so you can go to sleep more comfortably.” Sleep wasn’t what I wanted, but Shaw drank too much and was half asleep. That wasn’t how I wanted her.
“Ohh, a bed sounds good.” She sighed.
Actually…me, her and a bed sounded great. Striding through the door she’d led me through earlier I settled her on the left side of the king-sized bed near the bathroom. “Do you have to go to the bathroom, brush your teeth?” I caressed her hair again unable to keep my hands away from the satiny feel of it.
“Maybe…in a minute.” She curled up in a ball.
Grasping the bedspread on the right I flipped it over her, tucking her in. Shucking my clothes I slipped under the sheet in my boxers to lie down next to her. My gaze traveled over her softened features: thick dark red lashes fanned out on her flushed, apple freckled cheeks; petite lightly speckled nose; lush, pouty pink lips; creamy, unblemished skin. God, she was beautiful, and vibrant even at rest.
“Hey Shaw?”
“Yeah.” Her voice was whisper soft.
“Will you help us find the person whose stealing?”
“Sure. Sounds like fun.” Turning her head she yawned into the bedding.
It was taking everything in me not to drag her against me and spoon her, but she was too out of it to consent. I wonder if it would be too pervy to jack off next to her…yeah, probably. Instead I twirled one of her burgundy curls around my finger.
Shaw was a bit of a riddle. At times I was positive she wanted me like I wanted her, but then I would find her staring at me with confusion and hostility. It didn’t seem like a personal dislike though; more of a general aversion. It was like she was trying so hard to go one way when she in fact wanted to go another. Did she know what she wanted?