Evan's Addiction Read online

Page 4

  Nadia said someone should record all the noises and send it to the guys to torment them…no one was inclined to move though.

  Afterwards we progressed to mani’s and pedi’s. The girl’s tipsy had worn off some since they hadn’t been drinking during that hour message, but new drinks were passed out again to revive them.

  “I can’t believe how incredible this is. Landon is the best, best, best.” Maya sang and took another sip of her drink with her one free hand.

  “I concur, but don’t tell Seth. My man is crazy jealous.” Nadia smirked in a way that said she liked that. Jealous guys sounded like a pain in the ass to me, but Nadia was a strong willed person so I doubt she put up with any shit.

  Carrie grinned at Nadia. “I can’t believe how your boss and Seth’s dad arranged things so you could go work in Virginia Beach for the summer. You’re subcontracted to Seth’s dad, your brother and sister get a great vacation, and get to know Seth’s parents better, and you spend everyday with Seth. How is it working with Seth?”

  Nadia’s expression softened. “Khorosho, good. I only get to see him sporadically while working because he does a lot for his dad at the company while I just do the plumbing and heating, but afterwards…” Nadia’s brows waggled suggestively. “And Seth’s mom has been great. She loves watching Izzy, and Izzy loves her. Seth’s dad even hired on Luka, though he’s only seventeen, and Luka loves the work and extra money, and hanging at the beach every weekend.” She grinned.

  It was a bit crazy that three of these women, one your average everyday student and two working women, were going out with three very wealthy men. Gabby had the only normal husband—discounting the pierced penis—working construction. And even though Seth and Landon had loads of money Nadia and Maya didn’t lie around doing nothing, they both continued working, and Carrie was employed part-time at the Aquarium while taking classes.

  Carrie sighed. “Seth loves you so much. If he hadn’t been able to get you to Virginia Beach I don’t think he would have gone back to work for his father over the summer. And soon you’ll both be back in Charlottesville in a couple weeks because he has Graduate courses to take. I’m glad you’re coming back, I’ve missed both of you.”

  “Freakin-A, all this talk of boyfriends, love, missing people, and penis’s…I don’t know whether to throw up or feel sorry for myself. I think I’ve changed my mind about the strippers; some random guy swinging their junk in my face might be better then all this mush talk.” I grouched chugging my beer.

  Complete silence rolled over the room and I wondered if my mouth had finally offended someone. I’d told Carrie it would happen, but I mostly blamed the beer this time…and possibly a heavy dose of jealousy. Their talk was actually making me feel…lonely. Normally I would find a computer, or even David, when these feelings overwhelmed me, but neither was available at the moment.

  Suddenly, the girls all exploded in mirth.

  “Damn Shaw,” Amanda gasped. “I can understand about everything but the penises. How can you want to throw up about penis talk but then want a penis swinging in your face?” She snorted.

  My lip twisted in humor and my loneliness settled with their laughter. I guess maybe I didn’t need the computer after all. “At least I won’t see that guy’s penis after tonight, but when I see your boyfriends that will be all I’m thinking about.” I made a mock gagging face.

  Amanda gapped in mock outrage. “Are you saying that our boyfriends’ penises want to make you throw up? Noah’s penis is divine.”

  Everyone was smiling, even the salon girls. “And when I see him all I will be thinking about is you taking it from behind. It’s really an image I could have gone without.” Coughing and wheezing laughter erupted. “At least with Nic it’s only a hair fetish. And Carrie, I’m so going to work that into a conversation somewhere when you least expect it. In fact, you are all warned.” I pointed to each one of them.

  Carrie was the only one that looked worried, the rest of them just kept laughing.

  It crossed my mind that I was talking to them like I was going to be hanging out with them in the future. I frowned. Was I willing to actually take a chance at that? Carrie, the little tart, was smiling at me like she knew my resolve was faltering. I narrowed my eyes at her and stuck out my tongue which had her giggling.

  All the girls seemed pretty cool and unpretentious, and hanging with them didn’t mean I had to totally trust them or reveal anything about myself. I could keep parts of myself separate so when they let me down I wouldn’t be surprised and completely wrecked. I had other people like that in my life. I linked up with them every-now-and-then but only allowed a certain level of familiarity. It could work with these women as well…I think.

  “Hey, does anyone know what the guys are doing?” Gabby asked.

  “Strippers.” I blurted before I could stop it. I blushed when they all looked at me with raised brows. “Not actually doing them…at least not the attached guys.” I assured them, but who the hell knew for sure. For some reason Evan popped into my head, and the thought of him doing a stripper chafed.

  Maya grinned. “Landon swore they weren’t going to a strip club.”

  “Did he know what the guys had planned for him?” Nadia asked.

  “I heard snippets of conversation about them possibly racing cars.” Amanda imputed.

  My brows shot up. Racing cars? “Like actual Indie 500 car racing?” I asked.

  Amanda nodded.




  I took the turn around the curve of the track at a hundred and twenty and could feel the steering wheel pulling at my grip. Muscles that were already strained and tired from having gone several dozen times around this track protested trying to keep the tires on their trajectory. Sweat coated me and ran down my face and body under the helmet and fire suit I wore. It was hot as hell outside and even hotter in this outfit.

  Fuck, this was awesome!

  I did this whenever I could find the time, which was several times a year, and if my mother ever found out she would kill me. My father had been a professional race car driver and had died in a race while my mother was pregnant with me, so she was not a big fan of fast cars. I was though. It must have been passed down or something because I loved to go fast. I didn’t want to make a career of it, but a part of me craved it.

  I’d suggested this for Landon’s bachelor party because the couple times he’d gone with me he’d become an instant fan. The other guys were all for it as well. What guy didn’t want to get in an expensive race car and go as fast as they could under the threat of crashing? This was fucking living.

  I came around the curve, shifted gears, and punched the accelerator reaching almost one-hundred and eighty before I had to slow down for the next curve. I did this two more times before slowing and screeching into the pit. Awesome!

  I hauled myself out the window as the rest of the guys cheered from the sidelines. Noah was next up to go and was hopping in anticipation. Only one car was allowed on the track at a time since we were all considered novices.

  I clapped him on the shoulder before he climbed in. “Don’t kill yourself because Amanda would kill me.”

  All my roommates had done this at least once with me so they sort of knew what they were doing. The only guys who hadn’t were Maya’s stepbrother, Greg; Blake, another friend of ours and former lacrosse teammate; Lon, and his three cousins Juan, Havi, and Trey.

  When Landon had gotten back together with Maya he’d started to form a close relationship with Lon since he was Maya’s best friend’s husband. And as it so happened, Lon’s cousins were friends of Maya. Landon had not liked that three huge, not unattractive Latino’s were friends with Maya, but he’d eventually accepted them, and even become friendly with them himself when he realized they were slotted firmly in the friend-zone. They were actually pretty cool guys, even though they looked like muscled up gang-bangers. They weren’t though; they were construction workers like Lon.

/>   When I stepped under the tent that was up to keep us out of the sun I received a round of applause. “Tell me again, how come you’re not doing that as a living?” Nic laughed.

  “My mother would kill me.” I returned snappily as I peeled off my suit. The cool air from the fans surrounding us blew over my overheated body making me feel fifty times better. “And there is no way I could wear this suit everyday of my life. They’re like microwaves cooking you from the inside out.” I stood in front of one fan in just my shorts letting it bring my core temperature down.

  “I’d let myself be cooked to do this.” Juan remarked. He was relaxed back in a chair in shorts, like all of us, drinking water. “It would be worth it to feel this high all the time.” He wore a look of marvel mixed with envious restlessness.

  He had the bug, but this was an expensive hobby and working construction wouldn’t allow him to do it often. He was actually really good. He’d told me he’d done street racing which explained why he was so easy with the shifter, and smooth around the corners. Even the professional who was supervising us today commented on his natural talent.

  As the other guys conversed I pulled up a chair next to him. He raised his brow in question. “I have some connections in the racing industry through my late father and grandparent’s. You have talent, and if you want I could ask them to give you a shot?” My grandparent’s, on my father’s side, still had heavy ties in the racing world and I was close to them.

  His eyes lit up with hope, but there was cynicism too. “I’m nobody; why would they give me a chance?”

  “You think you have to be rich with a name for them to give you a chance?” I shot back. “If you know any drivers you’ll find that more than half started out with very little. The higher ups don’t care how much money you have, they only care if you can drive.”

  He frowned and stared at me thoughtfully. “Seriously, you would do that? You don’t even know me that well.”

  “I know talent though, and it’s not that big of a deal to make a call.” Dan had given me my shot; I could do that for Juan.

  “And you think I might have a chance?”

  I grinned. “Yeah, and when you make it big I get first dibs advertising on your car.”

  His eyes widened as it sank in. “Holy shit.” He breathed sitting up straighter. “Okay, yeah, I want a chance, sign me up, and if it actually works out you get the whole car. Thanks man, I mean…shit, this is huge.”

  I loaded his information into my phone. “Give me a week or two and during that time get in as much practice as you can.”

  “What are you guys talking about over here?” Landon walked up.

  Leaning back in my chair I grinned. “Just asking Juan here why he didn’t push harder for a chance at your future wife. I mean, if it were me she wouldn’t have had a chance.” I brought this up just to annoy him and he didn’t disappoint.

  He scowled. “You are such an ass.”

  I punched his shoulder. “Hey, he lost his chance and now she’s going to be yours forever, and ever, and ever…Shit, it’s not even me and I can feel my balls shriveling at the thought. One girl, for life.” I gave a very real shiver of dismay.

  “The thought almost makes me want to dig a hole.” Juan added with a grimace.

  Landon just smiled like Maya was the fucking gravity to his earth. “When you find the one it will all make sense.”

  I snorted. “Yeah, love has definitely made you delusional.”

  We spent all afternoon racing but when six o’clock rolled around they had to kick us to the curb. We were mostly okay with it since we were starving by that point. Landon had gotten a huge suite at the Grand Hotel to continue our party into the night, so we loaded up and headed over there to shower and then hit the downstairs restaurant and bar.

  After we received our drinks Blake raised his beer glass. “I know this is Landon’s night, but I have to toast Nic’s success in his first Major League Lacrosse season. I don’t think anyone can refute that you were an integral part of taking the Charlotte Hounds all the way to the championships your first year out with them. A lot of people think the MLL is the bottom of the barrel for professional sports, but those of us who play it know its one of the toughest sports out there, and with more exposure it can become more.”

  We all toasted Nic’s championship. The money playing in the MLL was barely above poverty level so it wasn’t like anyone could make a killing off of it, but Nic didn’t need the money. He played for the love of the game. However, down the road being one of the best lacrosse players in the history of the sport would facilitate in his new sporting business venture.

  Lacrosse talk lasted until our entries arrived.

  “So Evan, how’s working with Landon’s dad going?” Greg, Maya’s stepbrother, asked as he dug into the steak the waitress just set in front of him.

  I leaned back as the second waitress set down my plate of surf and turf. “Great. I’m so fucking busy I barely have to time to shit, but I love it.”

  Landon was supposed to have the job I was doing, taking over for his father as CEO of McKay Electric’s, but it was the last thing he wanted to do. He’d finally admitted to his dad that his real passion was art, and it was something he was now pursuing. His art was going to be all over Nic’s sporting equipment. Landon was still involved in the electrical company though, because it was his family’s legacy. He’d just become more of a part-time president and was putting his trust in me to run everything in his place after his father retired.

  I had basically begged him for the opportunity, but it hadn’t taken much to convince him because he hadn’t wanted the job. However, I loved the challenge of it, all the diverse facets of the work, even if at the moment it was taking up all my time. I can’t remember the last time I’d gotten laid. No wait, it had been over two months ago right before I graduated. In college there were girls everywhere throwing themselves at me, but now the only women available and coming on to me worked for me, and that was not going to happen since I was their boss.

  In fact, I should really use this weekend to avail myself, and with that thought my gaze scanned the area.

  Juan’s sudden exclamation redirected my attention from the selection of females. “Are you seriously telling me that you booked rooms at the same hotel as Maya? You’re going to totally ditch us and go off to poke her, aren’t you?”

  “I don’t poke. That makes it sound like I have a needle dick, and I so don’t.” Landon replied.

  I shook my head while cutting my steak. “Come on, Landon, this was supposed to be a guy’s night.”

  “Like you weren’t just checking out the possible action in this room since we stepped in here.” He groused.

  He had me there.

  “I say we all go up there and crash their party making it one big party, and then after I get my girl shuffled into one of the bedrooms those of you who don’t have girlfriends can come back down here and find your own entertainment for the night.” He proposed. “There are enough rooms with both suites for everybody to have somewhere to crash.”

  It was Landon’s party so we all agreed, and there was a high probability that I would still get laid. I scanned the bar with a practiced eye looking for a female looking for a good time.

  “Who does she have at her party up there?” Juan asked. “And what I mean by that question; are there any available women?”

  “There might be one, if she showed up.” Landon answered.

  Noah frowned as if trying to think of who it could be. “Who?”

  “Carrie’s roommate, Shaw.”

  Everything in me froze at the mention of Shaw. I hadn’t seen her in eight months, since the end of fall courses last year. We’d had several other lunches together after that one where I asked her out and I’d kept our exchanges casual and flirty, like they’d been before, but my desire for her hadn’t disappeared. In fact, it had only grown worse. I’d hook-up with other girls but they hadn’t been as satisfying, and I’d become bored with them
quicker than usual. Everyone else had seemed even duller after my interaction with her.

  “Is this girl beautiful like all the rest of them?” Juan leaned forward in interest.

  My gut tightened unexpectedly.

  “I’m not sure I like how you phrased that.” Nic glared at him.

  Sporting a smirk Juan tossed his arms up. “What, do I look blind to you? Your girl is gorgeous; all of them are. Are you seriously getting your panties in a bunch because I declared it out loud? Put away that jealously for when it’s actually needed gringo. I was asking about the available female.”

  Nic pointed his fork at Juan. “I’ve been watching you. Your gaze lingers a little too long on Carrie.”

  Juan laughed and looked at his cousin, Lon. “I want it in writing now that if I ever get like him…kill me.”

  Snorts erupted around the table. Nic gave him one last glare, but there was a small twitch to his lips that said he recognized he was going overboard in his possessiveness.

  “So, this other female; cute, hot, smoking?” Juan reiterated.

  Another clenching of my abdomen.

  “When we go up you can decide yourself, and good luck with her because she doesn’t take shit from anyone.” Nic snorted in a way that said he was looking forward to seeing Juan put in his place.

  Would she put him in his place, or would she take him up on his offer? She’d said ‘no’ to me, but would Greg, Blake, or any of the Cruz brothers interest her.

  Twenty-five minutes later we were in front of the door to the girl’s suite and my blood was running hot, nerves jumping, at the prospect at seeing Shaw. There was no denying that I was looking forward to being in her presence again.