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Evan's Addiction Page 2

  Her eyes narrowed and there was the vim and vigor. “If you mean like the plague, or an infestation of rats, then yes.”

  Both Nic and Seth were nearly choking on their food but I didn’t look away from the fire in front of me. “I am a bit like a god; manifestations of miracles appear wherever I am.” I shook my head like it was a great responsibility.

  The green of her eyes nearly disappeared as they tapered further. “You have something on your face…” Her finger twirled slowly in front of my face. “It looks like stupid with a whole lot of dumbass.” She shook her head in bogus sorrow. “I bet that’s a bitch to get off, if you can even get it off.”

  Nic’s and Seth’s laughter escaped in an explosion and it took everything in me to not laugh with them, because that was classic.

  Shaw stood up. “Carrie, I’ll see you later.” And then she was leaving.

  My inner laughter turned to instant disappointment. Why was she leaving? It was just getting good, and we had a definite connection. I had the biggest hard-on that my zipper was strangling to death.

  “She left with the last word again.” I grouched, shifting my uncomfortable package.

  Nic and Seth continued to choke on their hilarity. Even Carrie was grinning.

  Tuesday, October 21

  My heart sped up when I entered the cafeteria and saw Shaw sitting at the table with Carrie. I don’t remember the last time I’d been this amped; for a girl or anything else for that matter. I was pretty sure that the reason I was losing interest in Stephanie after only two weeks was because of the hard-on I had for this red-head. In fact, the last two times I’d had sex with Stephanie Shaw’s image had popped up in my head.

  She’d been making a regular appearance in my thoughts for the last five days.

  Nic, Seth and I grabbed our food and made our way over to the table. Shaw didn’t bother to look up from her soup or greet any of us like Carrie did. She had on another humorous shirt that read: Despite the look on my face you are still talking.

  I’d been looking forward to this moment. “Shaw, you are always wearing your hair up. It would look so much better down, free and wild. It would look even better in my lap.” I kept my voice low so only the group at our table could hear. I didn’t want to embarrass the girl.

  Carrie sucked in a shocked breath, and even Nic and Seth went motionless in astonishment. I normally didn’t throw out crass sexual pick-up lines, but I think Shaw was the one girl who could handle them. At least, I hope she was and I didn’t completely alienate her for life.

  Shaw’s soup spoon froze momentarily before dipping into her minestrone. “I think it would look better jammed in your windpipe.” She didn’t look at me and her voice remained level as she delivered her zing.

  Shit yes! My blood ran hot and fast, and my dick swelled in anticipation.

  Carrie coughed while the guys sniggered.

  “You know, this senior year has really been kicking my butt. I’ve resorted to making lists, and you just happen to be on the list of things I want to do tonight.” I forked some pasta into my mouth waiting in expectancy.

  “You’re on my list to asphyxiate while sleeping.” She dipped her spoon again.

  “I could be fine with that as long as my list got checked off first.” My dick throbbed.

  More snickers from the peanut gallery.

  “Women first.” Shaw snapped.

  “I’m all for women getting theirs first.” I sipped my water to cool off some.

  Her jaw clicked. “You naked equals me laughing my ass off.”

  “They say laughter in bed is the ingredient for even better climaxes.” This round was going to be mine.

  “They say having a dick is important too.”

  “Oh, believe me, I have said equipment.” And shit, was the damn thing making itself known in a really big way. Reaching down under the table I unobtrusively adjusted myself.

  Her green eyes rose and burned into mine. “You won’t if it comes anywhere near me winking its beady little eye. Your member will be dismembered.”

  I winced, but couldn’t stop the laughter this time. One good way to shut up a guy was to threaten his joystick. The next instant Shaw was saying goodbye to Carrie and stalking away cutting my laughter short.

  “She did it again.” I complained watching her leave. Again, no ass view to appreciate.

  “What?” Nic asked between laughs.

  “She had the last word.”

  Tuesday, November 11

  Walking into the cafeteria my gaze automatically and impatiently roamed the area, and when I saw a familiar red-head sitting next to Carrie tension that I hadn’t realized I was holding loosened. I’d been vastly put-out that she hadn’t shown last Thursday because I had been looking forward to our next banter session. When I’d asked Carrie about her she relayed that Shaw had to work. When I’d asked where she worked Carrie had looked uneasy and said that Shaw was self-employed; taking photographs and doing computer stuff.

  Her uneasy expression and explanation intrigued me.

  “Who the hell are those fucktards?” Nic growled.

  Pulling my gaze from Shaw I took in the two males sitting next to the girls. I’d been so focused on Shaw I hadn’t even noticed them. If either of these guys were hitting on Carrie someone was going to get their ass kicked. Nic did not like any other dicks near his girl, and I meant that in both the literal and figurative sense.

  Skipping the food line Nic marched straight over to their table, Seth and I right next to him. I noted that several tables around them had turned their attention to whatever was being said, and as we neared I heard Shaw speaking loudly.

  “Leave her alone asshole. Her boyfriend is twice your size, three times as good looking, and will kick your ass to the four corners of campus.”

  I grinned at her comment, but then scowled at the losers. “You don’t have a boyfriend though and I’ve heard that you’re building a list. I’m offering myself up.”

  What the hell did he mean by that?

  Shaw’s response came out tight and menacing. “I’ve got at least a five inch minimum and you don’t look like you come close, dickless. I’m also pretty sure I saw you coming out of the V.D. clinic and I want your crotch rot as far from me as possible.”

  Shaw had used similar biting comebacks with me but they’d held a lot less murder-you-in-your-sleep tone in them.

  Dickless stood, looming over her with a pissed-off expression. “You have quite the bitch mouth on you. How about I…”

  “Shut your fucking mouth, asshole.” Nic roared before I could. Nic normally didn’t swear around Carrie, but he had his exceptions.

  Both the males’ heads shot our way and their predatory expressions morphed to instant alarm at the sight of Nic, Seth and myself barreling toward them.

  “I told you she had a boyfriend, asshole. I hope you enjoyed your life.” Shaw sneered, sipping at her drink casually.

  Their alarm increased to outright panic, probably because they saw and recognized their eminent death in all three of our expressions.

  Suddenly, they bolted toward the exit like their asses were on fire and I would have laughed at their fucking spinelessness if I wasn’t so incensed. I could see Nic wanted to go after them, I did too, but the girls were more important at the moment. I doubted the fuckers would be back, and if we ran across them we would take care of them then.

  Nic knelt down by Carrie his expression concerned. “You okay, babe?” I knew he was wondering if they’d thrown her past in her face.

  Carrie cupped his jaw looking only mildly upset. “I’m fine; they were just trying to pick us up…in a completely vulgar way.”

  I plunked down in the seat dickless had been occupying next to Shaw. “You okay?” I asked.

  Her eyes were hard but her expression was neutral. “Dim-witted assholes litter this campus.” She gave me a narrowed eyed glance. “They’re like weeds, you pull one and another sprouts in its place.” She raised her brow so that I got her p

  My hackles were still raised, and I didn’t like being compared to those assholes, but I grinned at her inference. “Some weeds are better-looking and have significant properties that make them indispensable.”

  She stared at me somewhat broodingly. “It’s still a weed, and all they do is spread and choke out everything else around them.”

  I frowned at her reflective tone and profoundly worded remark. Shaw was trying to play it cool but I could sense she was more disturbed by what happened than she was letting on. It had me wondering what dickless had meant about ‘her list’.

  We left the girls to go get our food and when we came back I took my assigned seat next to Shaw. She pretended to ignore me but her face was slightly flushed and the pulse in her neck was fluttering. It was the first signs she’d shown that she was affected by me. I grinned in satisfaction. I’d broken things off with Stephanie after my last encounter with Shaw because why have sex with someone while thinking about another you could be having sex with.

  “So Red, how’s it going?” I was hoping I could get her back to her normal starchiness. The thought of her stewing didn’t sit well with me.

  “I wish you were going.” She stabbed at her salad aggressively.

  Oohh, she was undeniably more cantankerous. “They put you in a bad mood, sugar? I know a way to make you feel better. What do you say we make like Winnie-the-Poo and I get my nose stuck in you honey pot?”

  “Why don’t you play like Tigger and bounce the hell away from me.” She growled. It lacked the threat of evisceration she’d displayed with the other guys so that was at least something.

  “I can’t. You are too much fun to be around.” I teased. “In fact, I wish I could plant you and grow a whole field of you.”

  She turned and bared her teeth, her eyes shooting volatile sparks. “I wish I could do the same to you…and then mow all of you down, and then I’d do it again, and again, and again.”

  Ouch, more hacking and cutting of my parts. Maybe she wasn’t getting over those fucks as quickly as I thought? “Hey, you sure you’re okay?”

  She looked back down at her salad, moving leaves around. “No, you’re bugging me.”

  “There were these other guys…”

  “Carrie!” Shaw interrupted whatever Carrie had been about to say. “It’s none of his business.”

  Carrie frowned. “You know that they could probably help you.”

  Shaw scowled back. “I don’t need their help.”

  “I would be glad to help.” If she needed help with something I wouldn’t mind helping her out, and it might get me an in with her.

  Shaw didn’t even look at me, just kept eye contact with Carrie. They were having some kind of silent argument with their eyes. Carrie huffed and from the sound of it Shaw won.

  Nic leaned forward. “Shaw, you might not want our help but I hope you know I would no problem.”

  She frowned down at her plate and shrugged. “Everything’s fine.”

  I leaned towards her. “I would love to help.”

  “You need help.” She snapped standing up and stomping away.

  I frowned after her. I really didn’t know Shaw all that well, just our few repartee sessions, and while I lusted heavily after her and liked her all fired-up, seeing her upset bothered me.

  I turned back to Carrie. “What does she need help with?”

  Carrie’s lips twisted in troubled indecision. “I can’t tell. She asked me not to.”

  “Is she in trouble?” I pressed.

  “Not really, just hassled and annoyed I guess you could say.” She hedged.

  It sounded like it could be one of two things. “Is it a problem with a guy, or work?”

  Carrie sighed, appeared to wrestle internally with herself for a minute, and then blurted. “Guy. And that’s all I’m going to say. I shouldn’t have said anything. Shaw would kill me for spilling as much as I did.”

  Shaw had a dickhead bothering her. Past boyfriend? Hopeful boyfriend? Stalker? I didn’t like the idea of any of them. “If this guy gets out of hand you should keep us informed because no girl should have to deal with crap like that alone.”

  She nodded and I knew she would. Carrie was familiar with shit happening to you and how bad it could get.

  Wednesday, October 29

  I was walking down the campus sidewalk towards my car after class when my attention was snagged by a mass of bright red curls zooming toward me on a bike in the bike lane adjacent to the walkway. Only one person had hair that crazy and vivid. I wondered if she might have gone past me before I knew her and had never noticed. It seemed impossible.

  When Shaw neared I yelled. “Hey, baby, do you want to be the sun in my life?” Everyone around me stopped and stared at me but I didn’t give a shit.

  Her head whipped my way and she halted her pedaling. Gliding by she hollered back, cheeks flushed in exertion, and was that a possible smile on her face. “Sure, now go thirteen billion miles away from me.” Resuming her pedal work she zoomed away, displaying those awesome calves of hers.

  I chuckled and my day abruptly became tons better.

  “Hey, did you make Shaw’s big black book of fucks?”

  My muscles tensed and I spun around to find a guy staring at me with a frown. He was about my size, blonde hair, good-looking I guess. Two other dudes were with him but standing a foot behind him.

  “What the fuck did you say?” I snarled.

  He smirked, but his eyes were hard. “That girl that just went by…Shaw. I was just wondering if she’d bagged you yet? I swear she’s got a list of guys she’s fucked and future ones she wants to. She’s done each one of us…” He motioned to the two guys behind him. “And several other of my friends as well. That girl is wild and a bit of a nympho, if you know what I mean?” His smirk got bigger.

  His friends grinned behind him. “That chick will do just about anything.” One of them remarked.

  My gut clenched, along with my jaw and fists. What they were saying about Shaw didn’t sound kosher. Sure, I hardly knew her, but I wasn’t getting that slut vibe from her.

  Fists at my sides I gritted out as smoothly as I could. “First off, asshole, Shaw is my friend’s roommate and friend.” I considered Carrie a friend now. “So you need to be careful what comes out of your fucking mouth pertaining to her. Secondly, how does any of this concern you?”

  His beady eyes narrowed and he shrugged. “Sorry if I’m overstepping, dude. I’ve known Shaw since we were freshmen in high school. She started her list around then. You ask any guy at Riley High and I’m sure they could tell you a story or two.” He shook his head. “That girl got around more than the common cold. If you haven’t made her list yet I just wanted to warn you to suit up. I can’t imagine what she’s a carrier of by now.” He snorted and walked away, his two douche-friends going with him.

  My gut churned with anger. The urge to go after them and beat all their faces to a bloody mess was nearly overwhelming, but coach would kill me if campus security was called. Even though lacrosse season was another month away fighting was a one way ticket to suspension.

  I couldn’t stop myself from wondering if asshat was telling the truth. Rumors and gossip were notorious for being over-exaggerated, or even completely erroneous. Carrie had rumors going around about her last winter that were utter lies, and like I said, Shaw wasn’t giving off any kind of slut vibe. If she was a nympho she would have been all over me by now, or come over to our house to partake of the smorgasbord of men that hung out there.

  No…Shaw must have rejected that guy at some point and he was spreading rumors about her in retaliation…and his friends were backing him up. This could even be the guy that Carrie said was hassling Shaw.

  However, those fucks yesterday had mentioned a list as well.

  Since I didn’t really know anything about Shaw another option was that she was keeping her activities as far from Carrie as she could and didn’t bang her friends’ friends, or maybe she’d turned over
a new leaf since high school. Many a person had done that.

  I walked away with those guys words stuck on repeat in my head.

  Tuesday, November 4

  I entered the cafeteria in a subdued mood still chewing over what I’d heard last week. I’d thrown out a comment to Carrie over Halloween about hearing rumors about Shaw. Carrie had given me a disappointed look and made a pointed remark about listening to rumors. Carrie had an extreme and justified dislike of them. I’d told her I’d only wanted to warn Shaw that they were out there but Carrie had informed me Shaw already knew about them.

  She knew about them because they were true?

  She knew because she’d heard them as well?

  She knew about them and was handling it?

  I wanted more information but Carrie wasn’t sharing.

  Information was my drug and I needed Shaw to share with me but it’s not like we were close enough for me to dig into her past like that. From my own viewpoint I was inclined to believe that the rumors about Shaw were exaggerated. I wasn’t going to hold it against the girl if she liked sex and was sowing more than her normal quota of oats. I mean shit, glass house here.

  Rationally I accepted this, but there was a part of me that was uptight thinking about her with other dudes; especially lots of other dudes.

  I’d been shooting down invitations from other females because my body and mind had a major hard-on for one girl. My dick was not happy at being cut off from action this long so I needed to at least find out if Shaw was interested in something more than flinging remarks back and forth.

  “Hey Shaw, how’s it hanging?” I parked myself in the chair next to her.

  “Probably better than you; I bet that’s all it does on you.” Her cheeks were pink as she ate her sandwich telling me that she was over her bad mood from last week and that whatever this was between us she enjoyed it.