Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2
Seth’s cravings
Series Two of An Endless Novel
Published by:
Sara Hess
Copyright©2015, Sara Hess
Cover Artist:
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and any resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Chapter One
“Pit! You’re back.”
I drew in a deep breath at the unwanted moniker. The nickname ‘bottomless pit’ had been bestowed on me my freshman year by Evan, one of my roommates, because they said I was constantly eating. Unfortunately, not long after it had gotten shortened to the obnoxious epithet ‘Pit’.
I was a six foot six, two hundred and fifty pound male; I should have a better nickname than ‘Pit’. It was rather undignified.
Shouldering my way through the front door carrying my four suitcases I grumbled. “Don’t call me that.”
Landon walked down the stairs toward me with a shit ass grin on his face. They all knew I hated the nickname, but that didn’t stop them from using it. I really needed to start busting some heads together so they would take me seriously.
“Man, its good to see you. I got back two days ago and I’m in serious need of some action. I hope you’re rested up because we are so going out tonight.” Landon slapped me on the back as he walked past me to the kitchen.
I set my suitcases down next to the stairs and followed him. “Hell, I just drove three hours. I don’t want to get back in a vehicle.” I’d gone back to Virginia Beach to my parent’s home for University of Virginia’s summer break. Summer was over though and now I was back for my senior year. Classes didn’t start for another two weeks, but I needed time to reacclimatize myself to the house…and everything else.
Walking into the kitchen I saw three pizza boxes on the counter and headed straight for them. I hadn’t had anything to eat in three hours and I was hungry.
“You have a few hours to relax until Jax’s party tonight where a few of the guys want to play some poker, so make sure you bring you’re A-game.” Landon said tossing me a paper plate.
I already had a slice of supreme pizza in my mouth and I added another two to my plate. Grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge I sat down at the table. “Poker, huh?” That might be okay. I wasn’t big on arbitrary partying. I liked to hang out, drink, and pick up girls like most guys did, but I wasn’t into having empty conversations with people I didn’t, or barely, knew.
Landon sat down with his own plate and water. “Jax said it would be particularly interesting tonight because there someone new at the table.”
Jax was a teammate of ours on UVA’s lacrosse team, an attackman. I was a defenseman and Landon was a midfielder. “Who?” I asked around my mouthful of bread, sauce, and cheese with everything.
“He wouldn’t say, just said it would be worth it even though we’d probably lose our shirts. And then he giggled; I swear you not…giggled like a fucking girl. Of course the ‘lose your shirts’ comment was a red cape to me so I’m going.” He took an aggressive bite out of his slice of pizza like he was gearing up to take a bite out who ever thought they could actually prevail against him.
I shook my head. Landon was pretty competitive; telling him he was going to bomb at something before he even did it was sure to get his juices flowing. He was almost too easy to manipulate sometimes because he was so competitive. That was how Carrie had gotten into that game months ago because she’d called his precious poker a child’s game. He had basically forced her to play and then she’d won a big money hand on a bluff without even realizing that they’d been playing for big money. Nic, her boyfriend and our roommate, had almost fallen to the floor laughing when she’d revealed her hand. I’d lost money as well but even I’d laughed my ass off. Landon was still trying to get his man card back after that.
Thinking about Carrie brought a slight twinge to my chest. Both Nic and I had been interested in her when we’d first met her eight months ago, but Nic, the fucker, had gotten lucky and was able to snag her up first. Nic had been a basic man-whore at the time but I’d recognized after a few weeks that what he felt for Carrie was more than his usual ‘get in and get out quick’ rote.
At first I’d been anticipating a quick end to his interest so I could move in, but Nic and Carrie were one of those connections that were fated to happen. It was like they were destined to be together they were so damn perfect for each other.
So I had to let go of my infatuation, because that’s really all it had been, and it had gradually waned over time so that by the beginning of summer I was able to look at the two of them without feeling resentful of their relationship. I was actually really happy for them. Carrie had lived through some horrific years before meeting Nic, and Nic was like a brother to me and hadn’t had the happiest of childhoods either, so they more than deserved their happy ending.
I had my own girlfriend now. While at home this summer I’d met someone. I had been sick of lacrosse groupies and one night stands for a while. Meeting Carrie had shown me that there were some awesome girls out there, and while I couldn’t have her I’d met someone just as nice.
Melissa was sweet, kind, beautiful, and seemed to worship the ground I walked on. I’d met her at one of my parent’s parties during the summer and we’d been together for about two and a half months now. She was great, and the sex was pretty good too. It would probably be better if I didn’t have to contain, to a large extent, my sexual proclivities, but I just wasn’t certain that Melissa was ready for them…yet.
Hell, I’d basically been controlling my sexual appetites my whole life with only a few exception now and then when I’d run across a woman that conveyed an interest in them vociferously. I might even have pushed to have some type of relationship with one of them if they hadn’t all been very liberal in their views on what constituted a relationship.
I wasn’t going to share what I considered mine.
So sex with Melissa could be better, but I was hoping that in time she’d be open to things I wanted to do to her. It wasn’t like she’d been a virgin or was scared of sex, but I could tell that she was comfortable with vanilla and would require time.
“So, you’re coming, right?” Landon asked finishing up his slice.
I was about to answer when the front door opened and slammed shut. There was a scuffle of feet, some giggles, and then Nic and Carrie stepped into the kitchen. They made a striking couple; where she was petite and dark with exotic Spanish ancestry, he was tall and blonde.
The two of them were pressed together, Nic’s front to her back, and his hands were roving wherever they could while she giggled and gasped. When they saw us Carrie blushed brilliantly and jumped away. Nic let her go but got one last squeeze to her ass which she gave him a blistering look for. However, you could see the sparkle in her eyes showing she’d loved it.
Damn! I hadn’t seen the girl in three weeks but she still took my breath away with how gorgeous she was. She had to be one of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen. Whenever she stepped in a room guys goggled and girls cringed in inadequacy. She was makeup free with ice blue eyes, black hair in a braid down to the middle of her back, and her five foot four frame was encased in a plain white t-shirt and khaki shorts. The entire ensemble would put the most made up woman to shame, and it all came in the sweetest package you’d ever meet.
br /> “Seth!” Nic exclaimed with a happy grin. “You just get here?” He and Carrie grabbed a plate and some slices. As they moved around the kitchen I noticed Nic getting in touches here and there. The guy couldn’t keep his hands off of her.
This caused an entirely different twinge in my chest; this one because I didn’t feel the need to do that with Melissa.
I shook it off. Melissa was great, and just because I wasn’t all over her like Nic was with Carrie didn’t mean anything. It would come.
“Yeah, about fifteen minutes ago.” I answered finishing off my last slice.
Nic and Carrie sat down at the table with their food and water bottles. Carrie gave me a smile. “Hey Seth. Melissa didn’t come down with you?”
I gave her an answering smile because there was no way not to smile at her. “No, she’s got work.”
Melissa was twenty-three, a year older than me, and already out of school working at her families business. She’d also gone to school for business, the same as me, and was working at her families drywall company. They were one of the leading wallboard manufacturer’s for the United States. It was sort of fortuitous that we were going out since my families business was construction. In fact, we were one of the leading construction companies in the north east, and a construction company was always in need of drywall.
“Well, I for one am glad you’re flying solo, and shit, you’re probably longing for those bachelor days when you can go to a poker game and not have to worry about what the little woman wants to do. No offense Carrie.” Landon said, and he actually sounded like he cared if he caused offense.
That he cared if Carrie might have been upset at his comment revealed that he’d warmed to her. Landon was the leading cynic on women and asshole extraordinaire. Carrie and Amanda were some of the few females that he truly believed worth his concern.
Carrie smiled, her eyes twinkling. “No offense taken, Landon. I know it was said out of deep-seated fear that your man card will be taken…again.”
Nic burst out laughing almost choking on his pizza. It was a good thing I was done eating because I would have been in the same predicament as I snorted as well.
Landon scowled and pointed his finger at her. “I’ve got a wallet filled with man-cards for the taking when you’re ready for a rematch, but don’t think you’ll get away with a bluff like that a second time.”
“I told you I’d play anytime as long as it’s not for money. We can play right now if you want to?” Carrie offered with a come hither wave of her hands.
Landon’s expression was one of disgust. “There’s no fun to it without the thrill of winning or losing something.” A sly smile twisted his lips and he leaned forward. “We could play for something else besides money though.”
Nic straightened in his chair and growled warningly. “Landon.”
Innocence replaced the sly smile instantly. “What? It was just a suggestion since she won’t play for money.”
Carrie’s head swiveled back and forth in confusion between the two while I tried to keep the grin off my face. Nic was a little too protective of Carrie because of her background, but he also didn’t like other guys saying suggestive things toward her…around her…about her. He was a bit of a caveman with her. But while Carrie might blush at suggestive comments she would most likely zing something right back.
“What are you guys silently communicating?” She demanded.
“Landon was going to suggest that you could use your clothes as collateral.” Nic responded with a dark scowl.
Just as I’d called it Carrie blushed, but she held herself together. “You mean take our clothes off…like strip poker. Why would I want to do that? I would have to want to see what he looks like naked…and I really don’t.” Carrie was shaking her head vehemently looking horrified by the very thought of it.
Oh Shit! That was too funny. I snorted and coughed out laughter, as did Nic. I saw Carrie trying her best to look innocent, but failing terribly as her mouth twitched uncontrollably.
Landon placed his hands slowly on the table and shook his head sorrowfully. How he could look so serious after that was a mystery to me. “That hurts, Carrie. I think you have just emotionally scarred me for life.”
Carrie placed her hand on Landon’s, patting it. Nic’s laughter tapered off as he watched. Mine ramped up at his jealousy.
“It will be okay, Landon. Some girl out there somewhere will want to see you with your clothes off.” She patted his hand affectionately. “I’m sure of it.”
Those words set me off all over again.
Landon sandwiched Carrie’s hand between his and gazed at her hopefully. Oh, he was milking this, and Nic wasn’t appreciating it at all if his tightened jaw was any indication. “Do you really think so, Carrie? Could it happen soon do you think…like maybe tonight…with a tall leggy blonde with big…”
Carrie pulled her hand away swiftly with a short ‘ehhw’ at the same time Nic growled again reaching out for said hand.
“…eyes.” Landon finished with a laugh.
I wrapped up my amusement with one last chuckle at his riposte. Carrie gave him the evil eye with a crooked grin. Nic just gave him the evil eye.
“You’re getting too easy Nic. I was expecting steam out the ears at any moment.” Landon leaned back in his chair with a grin.
“First the suggestion of no clothes, than the touching; you’re lucky I’m not hauling you out of that chair to beat you senseless.” Nic grumbled pulling Carrie’s chair closer to him and away from Landon.
I grinned but frowned inwardly. I’d asserted just moments before that I would not share what was mine, but I wasn’t that possessive concerning Melissa? Hell, did I really want to be? Landon was just being a joker, and Nic could barely contain his jealousy.
“Nic, he was just playing.” She leaned over to give him a quick kiss on the lips. At least I’m sure she’d planned on it being quick. Nic had other ideas. He held her to him and went deep for about five seconds. When he finally let her up she was breathing hard and blushing brightly. She stood up on wobbly legs. “I need to go to the restroom. I’ll be right back.” The next second she was rushing out of the room.
I couldn’t help watching her go with a small amount of covetousness. Not for her per say, but for what the two of them had.
“You know, you’re lucky you can’t read minds because then you’d be hauling so many guys out of their seats you wouldn’t have any time to kiss your girl. Then where would she be; lips all lonely, waiting for her guy. Only you’re off bashing some guy’s skull in for daring to think dirty thoughts about your girlfriend. Better get some control or her lips might find another’s.” Landon pursed his lips grinning like he could be that guy.
Nic controlled himself throughout Landon’s teasing; his only response consisted of one raised finger.
Landon’s grinned spread. “There you go, already showing some restraint.”
I rolled my eyes at his death wish.
Landon turned to me. “Are you coming or what dude, or did your girlfriend confiscate your balls while you were gone. Although, I have to say she wouldn’t look like she’d know what to do with them if she had.”
I raised my brow at his attempt to work me like he had Nic, but decided not to respond to it. Maybe I should have been offended on Melissa’s behalf, but I wasn’t. I mean, shit, he was just teasing…most likely…probably not completely. Sometimes it was hard to tell with Landon.
“Yeah, I’ll come.” It would be more entertaining than staying in on a Monday night.
Landon looked at Nic and shook his regretfully. “I won’t bother asking you, you’re no fun any longer. Girls are fun killers.” He said mournfully but with a small sneer.
Nic barked out a laugh. “Well, I guess that special girl won’t be seeing you with your clothes off any time soon then. However, mine will.” He got up with a smirk and strolled out the door.
“You walked into that one.” I grumbled. I stood up to grab a couple more slice
s of pizza.
∞ ∞ ∞
Landon and I walked into the rec room of Jax’s rented house to a crowd of people milling around the center of the room laughing and commenting loudly on some action that appeared to be taking place at the gaming table.
“Jax, she’s schooling you hard.”
“Damn, it’s like she knows what cards are coming.”
“She has to be counting cards, nobody is that damn good, or lucky.”
We worked our way through the crowd, which wasn’t difficult when you were as large as I was, to an unexpected sight. Greg was dealing Black Jack to Jax and some chick. An extremely hot chick.
If this was the new player on the scene than Jax had been down playing the extra interesting observation…she was way more than that.
I estimated her height, since she was sitting, to between five-eight to five-ten. Her hair was a mix of strawberry blonde and blonde highlights, wavy, and a couple inches past her shoulders. Walking further around the table revealed flawless creamy pale skin, a deep pink rosebud mouth, and amazing aquamarine eyes. This girl was completely different from Carrie in looks, but her beauty was just as arresting. Also dissimilar to Carrie, this girl knew how to apply make-up perfectly highlighting everyone of her striking features. She also wore clothing that showed her figure to the best advantage. An eye catching b-cup was displayed nicely, yet discreetly, in a short sleeve pink top.
You would have had to be dead to look at her and not be affected, and I wasn’t dead, but I was still surprised when my dick swelled almost painfully in interest. My body’s reaction pissed me off. I didn’t want to have this kind of visceral reaction to a female that was most likely shallow like all the other females that hung around these parties for trust funds and lacrosse players.
Moreover, I had a girlfriend that I cared deeply for and it felt like a betrayal of sorts. I mean, shit, I wasn’t expecting my body to be comatose around other women, because like I said I wasn’t dead, but I shouldn’t be this affected by some random chick either. What made it worse is that I hadn’t had a reaction like this to either Carrie or Melissa…or to anyone else that I can remember.